
ASnake Documentation

Table Of Contents

Summary :

Loops are control structures that allow you to execute a block of code repeatedly.

Syntax while :

Python's syntax for repeating a code block so long as it is true.

int x 0
while x++ < 3
    print x
# result:  
# 0
# 1
# 2

You can read more about while here.

Syntax for :

Python's syntax for iterating over an iterator or generator.

for x in range(3, 0, -1):
    print x
# result:  
# 3
# 2
# 1    

You can read more about for here.

Syntax loop :

ASnake's loop is a syntax shortcut for a for loop, meant to simplify it.

A simple example:

loop 3 i

# result: 
# 0 
# 1
# 2

It works like this:
1. loop is the keyword that triggers the shortcut. 2. The second element is the iterable to iterate on. 3. The third element is the iterator variable, which will trigger a default expression if nothing comes after it. The third element is optional

The second element must either be a literal type or a variable that the compiler can infer type. Thus sometimes it is necessary to inform the compiler with type information:

gives2 does return 2
int variable = gives2
loop variable var do var*gives2 
# result:
# 0
# 2

Also works with indentation:

loop (1,2,3) number
    number * number
# result:  
# 1  
# 4  
# 9

Because the third element is optional, you can use it to quickly repeat code:

thing does print 12
loop 2 do thing
# result:
# 12
# 12  
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