
ASnake Documentation

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Python's f-string allows code expressions inside a string, making it easier to display things such as variables in a more understandable way.

Syntax f-string f"{}":

An f-string is a regular string, but with an f before the first quotation mark. Any usual contents within a string can appear besides brackets, as that is used to signal when a internal code block is active. Once inside the code block, almost any Python/ASnake expression is allowed so long as it does not start it's own code block; such as non-ternary conditionals, or function defines.

f-strings have all sorts of crazy tricks and features which you can read about elsewhere to format the string the way you wish, in a concise manner.

Basic examples of it's usage:

name = "bob"
f"hi my name is {name}!"
# result: hi my name is bob!

f'wait is 12 greater than 5? is it {12>5}???'
# result wait is 12 greater than 5? is it True???

Multiple lines in fstring f'{x ; y}':

ASnake adds a feature to Python's f-strings. They have the ability to contain multiple lines, and even newlines. You need indentation which indicates the end of an expression, specifically these aliases:

  1. ;
  2. then
  3. do

When placed, it will create a new f-string expression next to the prior.


f"{1 ; 2 ; 3}"
# result: 123

e = 'E'
f"dont make me angry or i will {82 to chr then e*20}!!!"
# result: dont make me angry or i will REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!

ASnake doesn't tend to care about indentation or newlines inside of f-strings, you can go pretty crazy:

f'my favorite number is {


# result: my favorite number is 12.
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