Documentation Index

ASnake Documentation

Table Of Contents

Getting Started:

  1. What is ASnake?
  2. Installing Python
  3. Installing ASnake
  4. Updating ASnake

Syntax order:

This is the recommended order to learn ASnake's syntax. Do keep in mind some pages may reference future pages and concepts. This is documentation, not necessarily a tutorial. Though examples of usage are provided, with their expected results.

  1. Assignment
  2. Typing
  3. F-Strings
  4. Constants
  5. Operators
  6. Conditionals
  7. Function Defines
  8. Function Line Wrap
  9. Default Expression
  10. Pipes
  11. Indentation
  12. Loops
  13. Number Range
  14. Increments
  15. Any/All Of
  16. Imports
  17. Metas

Syntax Highlighting:

Syntax highlighting is a feature in many editors for distinguishing pieces of code to make it easier to read. Most editors already support highlighting Python's syntax, so usually you can set it to use Python's highlighting on ASnake, and it will work good enough. However, some will not, or you may desire support for ASnake specific syntax.

The below list will provide information on IDE or editor support status.


Command line editors:

mkdir -p ~/.nano
curl -o ~/.nano/asnake.nanorc ""
echo "include ~/.nano/asnake.nanorc" >> ~/.nanorc

GUI Editors:


Some IDEs may be able to run ASnake in the future by making a wrapper around an actual interpreter, and having the ASnake compiler pass through the code first before the interpreter sees it. For now though, most IDEs will not support running ASnake.


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